
Making Waves for Online Couselling and Therapy Around The Globe

Therapeutic Airwaves is a regular fortnightly ‘live’ internet video and audio broadcast show where listeners can choose to participate either through text exchanges in a chat room or be invited to join the audio Skype group conference. This synchronous streamed videocast and podcast discussion centres on Online Counselling and Therapy. Participating audience may include interested online and face-to-face practitioners, trainers, supervisors, researchers as well as fans of psychology and therapy across the globe.
The fortnightly episode contains a discussion theme around online counselling and therapy. Participants are invited into the Skype audio discussion when they feel they would like to make a vocal contribution to the discussion. Each fortnightly broadcast will be recorded and make available as a videocast and podcast.
You have a choice of just being the listening audience to the 'live' proceedings or interact with other listeners and the audio discussion panel in a chat room whilst the show is being streamed ‘live’. You too can elect to engage in an
audio discussion with the host and other participants. These levels of choice are interchangeable. You are also welcome to download the mp3 file should you wish to listen to the previous shows or go the site to view and listen to the previous videocasts.

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How to Participate

Autumn Schedule of 'Live' Broadcasts & Themes for Discussion

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Episode 8 - Online Mental Health Action Committee

Michelle Franklyn Davies is the CEO of OLMHAC which stands for Online Mental Health Action Committee, an organization whose mission is to strengthen and improve the self-efficacy of low income communities in times of major disaster events. OLMHAC provides on line mental health services to victims of disasters. Through the formation of Neighborhood Resilience Centers (NRC), OLMHAC aims to provide training and access to internet-based, mental health-focused disaster relief services. For further information our listeners might like to visit the OLMHAC website at

I am fortunate to catch Michele during her stop over in London on her way to Amsterdam for a symposium presentation on OLMHAC at the First International E-Mental Health Summit. If you would like to contact Michelle directly her email address is

Click on the player to listen to the podcast....