Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Due to a last minute changes in my holiday plans, I had to reschedule some changes in the dates and order of the webcasts. Please click here or on the link above for the lastest updates.
Saturday, 2 August 2008
Episode 6 - Online security
Show Guests:
Gill J
In episode 6, we reflected on online/internet security. We considered if our current ‘over emphasis’ for ‘online security’ may reflects in many ways our need for the psychological security not dissimilar to Maslow's safety needs when we, humans yearn for the familiar, predictable and a consistent world order. We may react and engage in behaviours that does not match the level of realistic risks in our attempt to ameliorate our anxiety of a relatively unfamiliar and new environment of cyberspace which challenges us more at an emotional than a practical or pragmatic level.
This is the first of the five webcast planned for the second series. Please refer to the new schedule of future webcasts and I do hope you can join us in our future discussions as well as looking forward to your suggestions of themes in online counselling and therapy that you would like to listen to in future broadcasts. You can contact me at chewalex@hotmail.com or leave your comments here. You can contact ACTO, the Association for Counselling and Therapy Online at http://www.acto-uk.org/
You can also view the recording of the live broadcast of the above episode here