Show Guests:
Gill, Rosie, Petrus,
In episode 5, we explore the realm of imagination in healing. If the main processes of Creative Arts Therapy is the working within the imaginative realm to access the healing and growth potential that lies in the unconscious and collective conscious of the psyche, it would seem natural to tap into the imaginative therapeutic space that is offered by cyberspace. To utilise creative arts therapy online is not limited or constrained by the technology but only by ones own imagination to use what is already available and accessible between client and therapist in a creative and novel way. It is not technology that drives creativity, it is creativity that drives technology.
We have come to the end of our first series of five broadcast. A listing of the new schedule will be made available soon and my hope is that maybe you can join us in our future discussions and I look forward to suggestion of themes in online counselling and therapy that you would like to listen to in future broadcasts. You can contact me at or leave your comments here. You can contact ACTO, the Association for Counselling and Therapy Online at
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You can also view the recording of the live broadcast of the above episode here